Day trip to Lüneburg, Germany

Murad Zamanov
3 min readDec 4, 2022


Christmas Market, Architecture, and many more

Despite 0 celsius outside and windy weather, it felt like going out from Hamburg to visit another neighborhood town at some point. This time choice falls on Lüneburg, a cozy town 50 km from Hamburg, and the primary reason is to witness the town in sparkling lights because of beautiful Christmas Markets.

As per habit, hot coffee for takeaway has been grabbed, and we are ready to discover the architectural beauty of Lüneburg. This time we were lucky since the Old town is big here.

The Christmas Markets are widespread across the town. They are not concentrated in only one place, and all of them differ in terms of attractions, food, and other offerings. But drinks are more-less same everywhere; german beer and hot wine.

But Lüneburg is nice even without decorated lamps, enough to look at the buildings. Here are the ones I found beautiful to watch.

I love taking photos of the buildings from the angled side, so below are a few pics of those. Especially when it comes to Half-timbered buildings.

The front side of the buildings is lovely as well. Although some of them might look like the same building, they are not. Sometimes even from a different century.

There is probably more to discover in Lüneburg, but daylight is shorter, and cold is overcome harder. Until the next time.



Murad Zamanov

A curious individual with a digital mindset. Love typing.